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Is Macro Counting hard? It shouldn't be!

We all know how important preparation is. When it comes to nutrition and using supplements it is important to have a plan. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you need to spend hours doing “meal prep”. By understanding how much food you need to eat per day and becoming great at consuming your own macro numbers you can do numerous simple things to make sure you stay energized so you can work towards your goals with purpose. Here are a few things to consider.

The biggest favor you can do yourself daily when it comes to achieving your goals is to consume your macro numbers. If you need let’s say 212 grams of carbohydrates, 176 grams of protein and 45 grams of fat per day then the most important thing is to hit those numbers. Consider those daily numbers your “destination”. It doesn’t matter HOW you get there so long as you travel safely and arrive at the correct destination.

Our macro coaching has a proven track record of taking an individual’s daily nutritional needs and then breaking those numbers down into meals or snacks (traveling safely). Once you understand where your destination is you can begin to plan HOW you will get there. Using our Food List, you can utilize countless foods from the carbohydrate list, the fat list and the protein list and then decide for yourself how you will prepare those meals. You make them how YOU want them! They can be as simple as you need them to be so long as you are committed to practicing consuming your numbers to work toward your goals! Simple things such as having a bag of almonds in your work-bag or having some of your protein powder at your desk at work go a long way! We are more than happy to assist you in making your plans so please confer with us as needed!

The other step of preparation I would like to address is using supplements correctly. We have recently started a YouTube Channel (Max Muscle Davis County ) where you can find videos on our supplements and even our Nutrition Educational series. These videos exist to ensure that you as our client have absolute certainty as to how, when and why you are using the supplements you have chosen. The directions on each label provide guidance but depending on your needs and preferences some things can be tweaked to suit your needs. Our goal is to help you understand the connection between your food intake with the supplements you use and how they work together to enhance your exercise and daily energy levels.

Remember, all of this takes practice! Some weeks are more difficult than others but overtime it gets easier. If you have any supplements that you are not sure you’re using correctly stop by Max Muscle Davis County TODAY and consult with us. If you need a change-up in your supplement or nutritional approach we are happy to find solutions for you! (Max Muscle Davis County YouTube)

801-295-6299 / 801-774-6299

416 W 500 S Bountiful UT United States 84010

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